
wet leaves. hello october.

"wet leaves are slipperier than ice" she always says this time of year... her dad said it when they would drive together in the car this time of year. The first leaves falling, the first rainy morning, I will forever think of the saying. We laugh when we beat each other to say it before the other one. This year, I said it first. It's that time of year again. fasten your seatbelts, be more cautious of falling leaves, snow and ice on the roads. But isn't the foliage beautiful?? The yellows, reds and oranges. There was nothing like those long rides to Farmington, going back to college in septembers, commenting year after year on the foliage. and smiling.

This time of year always makes me remember those car rides, can't remember exactly what we talked about, but even the years you didn't drive up with me, I still remember smiling when passing by the random houses on route 4 surrounded by the prettiest colored leaves..... It's like the songs that remind me of you when you're not with me, and the way I say things because of you. oh Farmington, how sometimes I miss you and the memories, giffords icecream, all my cows, the lovely hotel visits from the family, parties, soccer games, psych classes, golden girls at 2 in the morning, bandanas, surprise parties, friends just a door away...

The leaves are changing, the holidays are coming, the days are shorter and colder, yet my heart is filled with so much warmth and love to keep me grounded and thankful for another holiday season, not quite like the last one or the years before. Each year changing ever so slightly.....so bring on 28 years old... I'm ready to breeathe, ready to keep going, ready to forget...with more confidence and more self-worth in my heart.

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