

My day of birth. my birth day.

"When did you go into labor?"

"yesterday, the 19th!"

"ha, you were in labor for 3 days!!??"

"yeah, I guess you didn't want to come out, why would ya, you had it made in there"

"yeah, I guess not, I had to think about it, who would blame me, now wonder why I cant stand people... haha"

Happy 28th Birthday....oh the places I have been and the people I have met in this short time.

Im sick. been sick for a few days now, and not until tonight when smelling my birthday cake and licking the frosting off the beaters, did it begin to feel like my birthday!! and I'm thankful for that!! I once saw an episode of Charmed, never did I watch the show,but for whatever reason on that day, I saw an episode when there was this guy who was talking to one of the main characters saying it's his birthday soon but he didn't feel like celebrating, and she said you should always celebrate your birthday, because you never know when it will be your last. So it seems a little negative, but I took the positive out of it, and have since spread those words to others who don't always look forward to their birthdays for whatever reason, whether it being someone they loved died on or around their birthday, they're turning "older"....but for whatever the reason, we should always celebrate our birthday, for it was the day we were born. corny I know. but it's our holiday. ours and only ours. our cake. our candles. our traditions. our celebration of US.

I've had a lot of similar birthdays, year to year, but this one, this one is different. People I used to know are getting married or married, having kids, or have had kids...I may not be any of these, and yes, I could have been. But I'm not. and I'm happy.

another chapter closed, another year behind me, "friends" lost, lives changed. mine, for the better. I can appreciate where I have been, what I have been through, and who I used to know. I can appreciate that I am no longer surrounded by those who I thought I knew, caring and loving myself and the decisions I have made. I have my dog, my family, my health, my friends. So bring it on 28 and whatever you may have in store for me, because I have am one strong person, stronger than I could have imagined.

so cheers to me, and to the things and people I love. and call me crazy if I still love celebrating my birthday, need my cake chocolate, and my frosting buttercream, and to blow out candles on 8:19pm. :)

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