
week 5. facing fear.

Well well well....week 5 is behind me and I couldn't be happier to report that I actually ran on the treadmill!!! Ran, did you hear me? I said Ran... this is coming from someone who is not athletic at all, used to be the biggest one always in her ballet classes, however played midfield in soccer for the few seasons I did play, which is the position with the most running.. ha! ok coach. what were you thinking? This is someone who walked the mile at 25 minutes in high school for goodness sake!

Wednesday was the big day! After walking vigorously for 19 minutes, I built up the courage... that's how long it took... 4 weeks and 19 minutes of walking on the treadmill three-four times a week!! HA. Totally had dreams about falling off the treadmill, and it didn't help that Tuesday morning, only two minutes into my walk, my sweat towel dropped, so Wednesday morning, I was like great, if I start running, I'm going to be my towel... and slide right off!! Running on the treadmill? Only fit people do that, who was I fooling?

Vigorous: possessing vigor : full of physical or mental strength or active force

Mental strength...a friend from work the other day was just saying she read somewhere how your body has 5 more minutes of fuel even when you think you can't go any longer, keep going... just like a car if you will, when the fuel light comes on, you know you always say to yourself, eh, just a few more miles, and then I'll get gas I suppose!! It makes total sense that our mind would start telling us crazy things before our body actually shut down...I'm hoping I would know if I was going to actually pass out before I did....so I just kept going.

This morning was amazing...I couldn't be more impressed with myself. After walking at a great pace for me, 17 minutes in and I was definitely feeling it all those minutes in my shins and quads (especially after a hard workout in water aerobics last night!) I did it.. I pressed that increase speed button like no body's business! haha... and ran this time for two whole minutes, finishing my last stretch to complete the mile this morning in 18 minutes 22 seconds, but I kept running a little past a mile... and then brought it back down to a walk....and something came over me... was I going to run again? I sure did. I even LET GO OF THE HANDLES...arms swaying doing the running thing....craziness!!? I walked for 2 minutes, and then ran again for a minute and a half, and repeated this one last time!! By the third sprint, I was definitely using my mental strength and everything I had in me, sweat all over the place! all before 6:45 am, while the Royal Wedding was being broadcast on all stations on all TVs across the gym wall....BEAUTIFUL, JUST BEAUTY all around... all the while I was thinking of how much more strength and determination I've had inside of me all along... it's just finding its way out now...and it's a beautiful thing.

To feel good about yourself, to treat yourself and your body the way you and it deserves, to be surrounded by unconditional love and support, less negativity, more motivation. I truly understand as I approach week 6 what people mean when they say it's a life change... I just need to make it to week 7 and I created a life change, a habit, a healthy habit!

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