
gym. love. craziness.

They say it takes two weeks to break a habit, 6 weeks to create one. Well people, it's week three and I'm doing pretty darn good if my opinion counts on the matter. I joined a local gym in town at the end of March to get their deal of only 49 dollars to sign up and then monthly at only 46 dollars, which includes access to the group fitness classes, the gym area of course, and group swim classes! Money well spent. The wii fit just wasn't motivating enough. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed doing it and will continue here and there but as far as motivating? not really.

What's a better motivator than money? I am paying to go the gym, then gosh darn it, I will go. But more seriously, because that's not what I think of every morning I wake to go to the gym is the money I'm spending, I'm thinking about the muscles in my body I'm using, the feeling I feel after I work out and even when I'm there. I couldn't be prouder of myself. Three times a week, plus a yoga class on Mondays with friends from work, and I am going to try out next week my first swim water works class there. I am looking forward to it. Speaking of looking forward to, I actually look forward to going to the gym! that alone my friends is quite the accomplishment!! Hard work pays off, and after the swim class, my routine and me time will be even more in place.

Have a great weekend. School vacation starts today at 3:45! Ah, the joys of working in a school, even if I have been sick every vacation this year! I tried preventing my sore throat this time, with let's just say a few vitamin c pills, some honey, allergy pill and ibprofen!! feeling better!!! heading to Maryland in the early morning, my first road trip with my camry!! She got her tires rotated and oil changed and is ready to go. Enjoy the nice weather ahead, I'll be soaking up the sun a few states south!!


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