
whole grain chef boyardee inspired

There are just some things that should be eaten alone ...cantaloupe with ricotta and ham on a cracker? what?? gross.
leave cantaloupe alone, it is splendid by itself...
and Beefaroni chef boyardee...what are you thinking make it whole grain pasta? like that is going to make it more healthy. just leave it alone and let kids be kids!! If you have caring and loving parents that are concerned for your health and well being, having a little crap food when you're a kid won't hurt you. all things in moderation after all right? Its all about parenting skills at this point, there are still plenty of kids that are always on the go, horseback riding here, swimming there...etc, despite all of this technology and surfing the web, kids are still active.

Sure, I'm struggling with my weight, aren't we all in some way or another, but as a responsible adult, we make our own choices, if I wanted to be a huge fat ass, then I would continue to eat the same crap food that was available to me as a child, but I don't want to be that lady on Maury Povich. Sorry if I'm sounding totally rude and heartless, but how do you seriously gain that much weight without doing something about it, UNLESS there is something medically going on... shoot me in the head the day I ever got that big and immobile. Healthy food follows healthy relationships and connections with those who also care about how they feel and what they look like. More importantly though, it's about how you feel.

so let kids be kids, let cantaloupe stand alone, and leave the whole grains to the grown up pasta boxes...there are just some things that should not be messed with. really.

another one being love. let love live. people are going to love who they love no matter what, just let it be. whats so wrong with that?

thanks for reading my crazy antics...leave some love

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