

"To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced
life."- eat pray love

I am inspired. I saw the movie last week and I want to see it again and again, and with a notebook so I can write down all the fabulous lines and quotes and life lessons from it. I want to read the book as well. That will be the next library book I take out for sure...sometime next week perhaps, after school starts and we get settled back into our daily routines. Wouldn't it be something if we all could just take a year off (not all at the same time..ha) and get our heads straight. insert soothing sounds here. so nice. so calm. imagine not talking for hours or days or weeks, just to ourselves in our heads.

My head has been going nonstop since I saw the movie. I am inspired. I am going to write a book about my life. about all the different kinds of love in my life. and how you can love different kinds of people. Maybe that's what I am supposed to do, since going back to school doesn't really sound appealing to me. I shall write a book. love and life and the icky stuff inbetween, the confusions of growing up attracted to many people and not knowing why, the things we do for love, or instant satisfaction and looking back only with regret or shame wondering how we could do such things to our bodies, our hearts, ourselves.

My thoughts are racing, and I am full of motivation and ideas.

"He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words."

So I will write my words.

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