
Hello World

"when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than a dream..." I think I have actually come to a point in my life, being in my late twenties, and finally realize that I am worth it. I am worth being happy. Happy? everyone wants to be happy, but no one really knows how or why or what is being happier, when you're already laughing and smiling and having a good ol' time. Happy means different things for each of us, when we do find the time to describe it, it has to come from within. I am on the path to finding my self-happiness and damn, it feels great. I know I'm only 27 and I still have a lot to learn... ugh, there goes that negative self-talk I do.. So what, Im 27 and a half years old, and I'm loving my life, but not to its fullest, its a journey, not a destination so the saying goes :) I'm a bit obsessed with quotes as I'm sure you will find.

"isn't it amazing how a person who was once just a stranger, suddenly means the world to you"

She told me that I write well, I should publish my journals...Since I was little, I loved to write and keep a "Dear Diary." Looking back now, with more than 10 or 12 diaries/journals saved, I'm glad I did, if for nothing else to simply laugh at the simple life pleasures in comparison to what is really important when you grow and learn through many life relationships, including friendships with friends you never thought would go away, relationships with meaningless men and women, and relationships that simply had to end due to death, until we meet again so the saying goes.

I've always been a "happy" little girl, responsible for myself, a little mom to my brothers...who later in life, if they havent started already, will appreciate that.

My world has turned upside down, with the places and people I've been to and been with, have all led me to an exploration of others and myself, but had they really let me express myself the way I can now in the comfort, loving (unconditionally) arms of my family and close friends. And I may not have really changed at all...just grown and realized that for a long time I was suffocating and drowning in everyone else's worries and cares and needs, everyone else's but my own.... Enjoy!

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