

No one wants to see the ones we love in pain. Last night brought us closer together. It has been a crazy fun emotional past six weeks or so, and I am so in love with it, with the feeling of it all and the reality of it. I need to pinch myself! "Is this really happening" is said to one another almost on a daily basis.

I knew when she texted me like crazy tuesday morning at work, it was an emergency, and so I stepped out to call her immediately. She had just fallen at Macy's, hit her head on the glass jewelry counter and fell to the floor. Next thing she knew she woke up with people surrounding her, to be carried out on a stretcher. After vitals were taken and whatnot, she drove herself home. Don't worry, I yelled at her for that one. I left work as soon as I could to be with her, and so our afternoon/night began at UMass hospital. 

After about eight and a half hours, tears, laughs, CAT scan, MRI and X-rays, we were released to go home. Thankful for negative test results. Home by midnight, ate some dinner, and took some meds to bed. Per nurses orders I had to wake her every two hours, quizzed her to make sure she knew who I was and who she was. Fun times. I took the day to be with her and make sure she was resting. 

This was a different kind of pain, than other loved ones I am constantly worrying about, this was physical pain, the pain no humans can help, but simply rely on medications and technology and devices. I mean they can help the physical pain, but not really, not always. The day to day pain you endure and have endured for years, I wish I could take some of that pain away. The scare last night I had when the doctors were throwing words around like spine and MRI and paralysis, at times I just couldn't be strong for you when I should have been, but instead you were comforting me through my tears.

You only just found me, and I need you. I want you. You were meant for me, and I was meant for you. Don't ever scare me like that again, you! But like you said, everything happens for a reason, and I myself have always believed that, even though I never knew the reasons... you are my reason. Now I know. You are the one I have been waiting for, for a very long time. I love you, I am so in love with you, getting to know you, be with you, care for you, be cared for by you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. 

Through sickness and in health. 

"You're not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you've met, she's not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other."-GWH

"So, when did you know, like, that she was the one for you?"
me: October 5, 2013

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