
if our life were a book...

this chapter would be communication.

Why is it so hard to tell the people dearest to our hearts, body and soul, our people we just couldn't live without, why is it so hard to tell those people our true and utmost crazy thoughts, dreams, and truths. fear. We fear what they will say, do or think, we fear their absences, and maybe for a spilt second or two we doubt their love for us may not be strong enough to bear what we have to say. We fear their pain, their sadness, we fear we may lose them...

But yet, we speak our minds almost daily with such ease to perfect strangers....getting hyped up in traffic swearing our heads off, throwing gestures, all without a thought, without any fear that the person, the stranger just may retaliate in some way or another.

Communication. without it, forget it. It's not just about the most recent of our conversations either, that I truly do appreciate you for having with me, but our communication on a day to day basis. As you grow up, your views of your family seem to become clearer, yes we were always so close and got along, but there were fights, yelling and more yelling, which seemed to just be a part of our communication.

You have made me aware not only of every single tone I have and use, my sarcasm when maybe I could do without, but thank you for helping me find a calmer tone....me the yeller. you the calmer. who knew. less nitpicking, less assuming and more communication, calmly.

To communicate freely, you must be fearless of the hurt, anger, and sadness words may bring, but open to the unconditional love, strength and closeness the communication will bring...

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