
damn alarms... you just weren't loud enough I guess.

ahhhh. It's 7:15, and friday, which means I shouldn't be just waking up because I still have school to go to (and by school, I mean work for those of you who don't know, I work at an elementary school as an ABA tech with children with autism) but I am completely EXHAUSTED!!! Thank goodness my progress reports have been passed in and it's just clean up time and packing up for summer school...and then, well and then who knows what school I will be working at. But more importantly let's get back to this morning...

I slept through both my alarms, my alarm to go to the gym, and then again to wake up incase I missed the gym one, and I could have taken Russell for a walk...well too late for that!! ahhh...is it the end of the year exhaustion, is it all these changes, is it knowing I will be spending lonelier evenings and mornings, so I want to make the most of them now... I AM EXHAUSTED.

Week 12
was not a good week for me at the gym, but I do have every intention to wake my ass up tomorrow morning or sunday morning and go, to make it at least 3 times this week!! But if I don't, then it is what it is, and I need to listen to my body which is completely sore and maybe just needs a friggin break! Like you said last night, I need to quit being so negative (I kinda was a little yesterday :( ) and go back and read all my blogs and realize how amazing I have been doing at the gym and with everything!! You're right, and that's why I love you.

So it is what it is, I'll take Russell for a long walk later tonight and there's always my exercise ball and arm weights here at home... I guess I needed the sleep...and probably could use a bit more, I don't remember ever feeling so tired, could it be, that I ran so low on energy... I just crashed? me? the one who can't sit still, who is still up and at'em thinking there is stuff to be done even if it is almost midnght... hahaa.

Happy Friday everyone. 2 1/2 more days 'til school is out and I have a week and a half before I see the workplace again!!


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