
Monday, Monday...

Monday Monday...it was so good to me, it was all I hoped it would be...Monday Monday....

Back to life, Back to reality, why can't I get that song out of my head?? haha.....

Happy Monday kiddos. we survived. Considering we have not been in school (For those readers who don't know, I work in an elementary school with children with autism) for what seems to be a long time, we had a two day work week last week thanks to MLK Jr.'s birthday, an hour delay and two snow days, I'd say it was a pretty lovely Monday. My kiddo was in a good mood, all things considered especially since he had been up since 3am. Those poor kiddos, how come they can't sleep?

So I was called skinny today, well told that I looked skinny... from my co-worker, who went out of her way this morning, to walk a few extra steps down the hall when she saw me in the doorway of the classroom I work in, to say
"I saw you from down the hall, this isn't work related, but I had to tell you that you look skinny."
"Really?? because I thought I've been on a plateau, not really working out since I can't breathe so good right now"
"Really, you look good"
"Thanks! Thanks? (still in disbelief but loving her for it) Thanks for cheering me up on this Monday, not that I was in a bad mood but its good to hear on a Monday!"

Simple words. Big impact.

To end the day, I came home and made the most delicious mushroom and spinach lasagna with a tossed salad. I used my no boil oven ready lasagna noodles...sooo easy, and multitasked everything else, cleaning up while getting at it too!! I made the sauce again from a great recipe I found on For the love of Cooking's blog, it came out even better than the first time I made it. I sauteed the mushrooms, onions and garlic, while the sauce was simmering, and soon enough added everything together!! mmm sooo gooood.

Even though I haven't been exercising to the best of my ability, the most consistent, I have been continuing to eat well. I haven't had cheezits in for everrrr. haha, I eat more fruits and veggies on a daily basis than I can remember. I look forward to cutting up an apple for morning snack at work with the kiddos, and eating salads with my lean cuisines...I look forward to grocery shopping and cooking meals.

one day at a time, one healthy choice after another. healthy mind, healthy body...I'm starting to understand it all finally.
The healthier the body, the happier the heart...It's the little things in life that make me happy these days, like going to the grocery store, blogging, writing in journals...but the little things will be the most rewarding in the long run.

What are you doing to keep your mind and body a bit healthier these days?

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